RainbowRythm - 10MGJ#2 Remastered Edition!
A downloadable game
I made a remastered version of my entry for the 10 Minutes Game Jam (Second Edition) on april 18th, complete with all the basic gameplay features you could ever really need! (But wouldn't dream of!)
Game Type: Randomized Rythm Game
Game Engine: Game Maker Studio 2 (D&D/GML Hybrid)
Work Time: Approximatively 9 hours, most of this spent testing and messing around, the first version took 10 minutes to develop the assets and lay down the base code without achieving actual playability, then 20 more minutes were used to debug the code, make sure pressing letters did something, and called it an actual entry. I figured this deserved a much better, much more playable revisit and spent a few hours in the last two days working on this!
Features: Main Menu, Difficulty Selection, Randomly Generated Patterns, Clean Interface, Combo, Score, Lives & Free Play Mode
How to play: Choose Play, select your difficulty , then use the keyboard (ASDFGH) when the keys touch the white bar. Each successive "wave" will have more letters before the next one. Missing 3 letters will reset your score and combo, starting back at 1 letter!
At any time, pressing the white X in a red square top left will return you to the main menu. Pressing Escape will also return you to the main menu. To close the game, either close the window or click Quit from the main menu. Have fun!
I might revisit this project one day, if somehow people enjoy this trash game
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